Hello and welcome! We’ve written this post to be a general introduction to our blog and website. Miriam Liss, Kate Richmond, and Mindy Erchull have each introduced themselves in their own introductory posts. Do check them out!
Our intent with this blog is to provide support for instructors who adopt our book in their Psychology of Women and Gender courses. Of course, we each teach an array of different courses, so we’ll also talk about things we’ve tried in our other classes, and you may find ideas that you can integrate into other courses you teach as well.
In terms of frequency, our intent is to have two new posts each month. They will release on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. We may also, from time to time, have an additional post if something feels very of the moment or one of us is struck with particular inspiration.
We welcome you along on this journey of reflection and discovery with us. Please chime in with comments and questions on posts, and if you feel inspired with a guest post idea, please reach out to us as well!